Spent The Morning in Taiwan
Here's the view from my computer screen this morning...we miss these guys so much!
Goodbye Training Wheels...Hello Open Road!

On the way to the beach...
Loves to throw sand toys in lake and run away laughing even more!
The wind provided some awesome waves to jump over and ride in. When it carried Brenin's beach ball across the park, she took off like a rocket after it. Before I could blink, she was quite a distance away and actually beat the wind and caught the ball! When I later told her not to run so far away, she said, "Oh, so you saw my speed, huh?" then in a sing song voice said, "That was supposed to be a secret" and told me not to tell anyone about her
super-hero ways. (so you didn't hear this from me!)
(Okay, LAKEshore...a girl can dream, right?!?)
Weekend Update
In other news, I decided last minute to put a relaxer in Luca's hair on Friday night. Proof, once again, that I have no idea what I'm doing, I thought the relaxer would simply loosen her curls a bit for a slightly different style. Imagine my surprise when I washed the relaxer out and found STICK STRAIGHT hair!!!!! I felt terrible, but rest assured the curls will return and I have learned my lesson (the hard way) about relaxers. She looks gorgeous, of course,
Weeds? What Weeds?
Since coming home, we’ve taken great joy in Luca’s beautiful locks, and I feel like I have a new doll to play with! Though I’m used to Brenin’s silky, almost slippery wisps (try getting that into a pony tail holder…like “catching a cloud and pinning it down!”), Luca’s hair is very full and “moldable” and lends easily to creativity and FUN. Yesterday was one of my first attempts at something especially creative, and I think it turned out pretty cute (which excited me greatly because let’s face it, I have the flattest hair on Earth and really have no clue what to do with all this hair on one head!)
With a little research, I also found beautiful descriptions of early braiding as symbols of courage, honor, wisdom, love and strength and as identifiers of clans, villages, status (bride, etc.) and faith.
I feel fortunate to be able to share in such a rich part of Luca’s heritage, as as much as she has become part of us, we have become part of her.
“Mama’s hair was ready, and she stood up and turned
around in front of the mirror like she was goin to dance or something…Then she bent down and kissed me on the head.
And she said: I delight in telling you,
my child-Yes, you please me when you ask it-
It’s a hairstyle that’s called suku.
In Yoruba, it means basket.
I asked Mama, ‘What will you put in the basket,
Mama?”And she said, “I think I’ll put love.”
"If I fall down will the love go
away?”“Oh, noooo, my darling!” she said. “Because
the love, like the basket, will be a part of you.”From “Cornrows” by Camille Yarbrough