My baby girl got her ears pierced yesterday!!!!!!!
The girls and I have been talking about ear piercing for quite a while now, and every time Brenin says, "NO WAY! I'm not getting my ears pierced until I'm an ADULT!", while Luca asks detailed questions about just how much pain is involved in the process, weighing the advantages against the disadvantages. I was very clear with both girls that there IS pain and there is absolutely no NEED to get their ears pierced, that they should only do it if they really want to. Luca asked this week if it was like a shot (which she HATES), and I told her that it sort of was, that there's pain for a little while and then it goes away. Finally her vanity got the best of her, and she committed herself to the challenge.
The day of, she couldn't stop smiling from the time she woke up. We went swimming in the morning, and she kept reminding everyone that she was going to get her ears pierced, full of excitement and anticipation. At one point she stretched her little arm straight up in the air and announced, "Raise your hand if you wanna get your ears pierced today!"
When she finally got in the chair, the lady doing the piercing set the instrument on the table and Luca asked what it was. She said it was the "gun" for the piercing, and she looked a little nervous at that. I reminded her again that she does NOT have to do it, but she was dead set on getting it done and stuck her little ear out. She squeezed Mommy's hand and scrunched her little face up while the chosen tiny pink diamond studs were inserted. Immediately after, her face returned to normal and she said, "That didn't hurt," and stuck her other ear out.
Not a single tear.
It was really so much fun crossing this milestone with Luca. I remember so clearly the day I was FINALLY allowed to get my ears pierced. I was 5, and we went to the salon at Schultz' here in town. I had longed for them so badly, and I remember feeling so proud leaving that salon with my freshly pierced ears, walking tall and spending a few extra moments near anything with a reflective surface. I always knew I wanted my girls to wait until they really wanted earrings so they could share this same joy and pride in the experience.
Luca was every bit as enthusiastic about her special ear piercing day. It was so fun to see her want it so badly to be willing to suffer for it and then reap the benefits of her sacrifice. She thoroughly enjoyed the the process and can often be found admiring her sweet little earlobes. :-)
Here's after the first one went in, the second still to be done. I had prepared myself for tears at this point, having to coax her into having the second one done and worst case leaving with ONE earring! This girl never ceased to amaze me.
Looking so big and brave
I think Mommy looks in more pain than Luca in this shot!
(I would have been happy to leave BEFORE the whole process began!)
After the piercing, while Luca was admiring herself in the mirror...
...Brenin had worked herself into a tizzy, worried sick about her baby sister and nearly fainted! Into the cart she went with her legs elevated (she wasn't even in the area when the piercing occured!) My girls obviously own two VERY different perspectives on pain :-), but nonetheless I thought it was sweet that she cared so deeply about her sister that she was sick with worry at the thought of her having pain. (Pretty sure she'll hold true to her promise of not having her ears pierced until she's an adult though after this experience!)
So proud of my Luca Bazooka and once again in awe of her strong and courageous heart. It inspires and breaks mine all at once, and I can't help but wonder what I did to deserve such a gift.
Swimming in the a.m.
We've been swimming a few times a week, and Brenin is becomming quite good! It's such a good way to break up these winter months AND get a little exercise in the process!
Hope everyone's enjoying the weekend!