
Time, Love and Tenderness

Finally, a day off.  Company was coming, the house neglected from the hurry of the week.  My hands were full and fumbling with broom, rag and bottles of clean, ready to attack, my mind focused and prepared so not one minute would fall to waste.  Wax on.  Wax off.  Wax on.  Wax off.  There was rhythm and victory with each completion, as if my welcome would be warmer
because the lampshade was dusted and the laundry room floor mopped.   

"Mom," she said.  "I want to make you lunch today!" 

Ugh...really?  Today??  I don't have TIME for this.  My thoughts echoed
to justify themselves.  Shoulders dropping just a bit and fingers 
groping for a tighter grasp on the sacred towel of cleanliness.   

"I want to help you today, Mom.  I'm going to set it all up.  You don't have to do a thing! 
You can just relax, and I'll make my special recipe just for you!" 

I knew that recipe.  And I knew the tiny shreds of cheese that fall below the counter
and between the legs of chairs and the baked on dish from too much warming and
the packages left open and the crumbs and drops of stickiness and the too small
dinnerware on a tea party table left out with more clutter atop
 and the pens and papers strewn about and signs with tape on my precious wooden doors. 

I knew it all.  And I simply didn't have time. 

And then I made a decision. 

I made a decision to have time. 

Before me was a child asking to serve. 

It was precious and pure and bigger than lunch, and I was about to come down
on top of it with lavendar scent Windex and sweep it away. 

How in the world will she ever learn to serve if I never allow her the opportunity? 
How will she discover the joy of giving of herself if her gift is of no value to me, the shaper of her self?  And how will she experience the harmony of peace and sorrow that comes with bearing another's burden if I don't hand her one of mine when she asks for it? 

How will she learn to take care and purpose in communing with another's needs: 
Needs to eat, needs to rest, needs to feel the warmth of another person 
coming to stand beside them in their brokenness?

How will she learn to feed hungry mouths and hungry souls...
to wrap her frame in servants towel...

...to stretch herself in love for another...

...to be generous...

...to spend HER time and resources in thought of someone outside herself...

...and to present her gifts...herself...
for the sole purpose of loving the creation and the Creator?

The lunch and tea party table adorned with clutter and too small wares and handmade menus and signs and tape on wooden doors and cheese between the legs of chairs and drips and drops on serene countertops and pens and papers littered about took all of 3 hours. 

Time was of the essence. 

Time is of the essence. 

The vacuuming can wait. 


So [Jesus] got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist.

After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet,
drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him. 

"No," said Peter, "you shall never wash my feet."
Jesus answered, "Unless I wash you, you have no part with me."

When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place.
"Do you understand what I have done for you?" he asked them.

Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet.

I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.

-John 13-

EVERYONE Deserves Clean Water!

Almost every time I offer up a refreshing glass of clean and clear water to my girls, I think about the mothers, who out of necessity must hand their precious children a glass of dirty and infected water and how that must feel to watch them drink, hoping it will not make them sick, or worse take their lives. My friend Nyad is running these 26.2 miles for these mamas and their babies...and she needs help! If you can share even $5, please do! Lives are depending on it! ♥

Check out the link below!


When Life Gives You Puddles...

Rainy days around here...puddle hopping and then to the movies...life is good! 

"Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet." 
-Roger Miller-


torture techniques: a parenting parallel

This is just too funny not to share...from Rage Against the Minivan!

torture techniques: a parenting parallel

I watched a disturbing documentary on psychological torture techniques in political prisons recently. As they described the tactics that were used to get these prisoners to break down mentally, I felt a disturbing flash of recognition in many areas. Any of these sound familiar?

•sleep deprivation - not allowing the subject to sleep

•noise flooding - subjecting prisoners to loud, unrelenting high-pitched noises, particularly while sleeping

•repeated questioning -asking the subject the same questions, over and over again

•music torture - a form of torture that involves playing annoying music incessantly

•hygiene - subject is prevented from showering on a regular basis

•isolation - removing subject from contact with peers

•humiliation - placing subjects in close contact with urine and fecal matter

•systematic reduction of choice - forcing subjects to complete the same arbitrary tasks over and over again

I will let you draw your own parallels here. Seems my mind is not working like it should . . .

(But they sure are cute. Or maybe that's just the Stockholm Syndrome talking.)


These Summer Days...

I got to spend some time ALONE this week after Danny returned from a few days in Minnesota for work.  If only for a few hours, I let the stress and the pressures of life fall to my rear view and spent some time with my thoughts, my camera and of course some good music.  It's AMAZING what this kind of quiet can do for a person...it's realization that the world is so much bigger than the things that fill your day, a reminder that you're still "you," and a golden opportunity to hear God whisper through His creation. 

I breathed deeply.  Because I could. 

Here are a few shots from my wanderings...

Later we headed to Madison to watch Kofi play some soccer...it was Ghana vs. Liberia, and I think they brought the hot African sun to the game too because it was H-O-T!!!  It's exciting to watch them play with such skill and also exciting to be deeply engulfed in another culture right here in our own back yard.  To say we were the minority would be a major under-statement... a perspective I don't get to embrace enough in our little Midwestern town and one which brings understanding to my own child's experience...what a gift! 

We're so blessed to have Kofi in our family and in our home! 

Finally, we got to spend some time with my dad on the bike trail that runs through our state!  It's an old railway transformed into recreational trails and includes a long tunnel that the train used to run through!  The whole trip is like riding through a calendar because it's so beautiful.  You can really imagine those old trains chugging along the path and through the tunnel as you ride. 

The tunnel is so long, you can't even see the light on the other side when you first start in.  As you set in a ways, you start to see a hazy little opening which gradually grows and guides you through to the other side. 

Luca's still using training wheels, so we use this tag-along bike attachment for longer trips like this.  She later admitted that she was doing all the pedaling and Daddy was just relaxing in the front.  ;-)

Don't you just wonder what they talk about?? 

Of course our favorite part of the trip was spending the day with Dad.  He has plenty of things on his own plate and still takes the time to know and care for each one of us.  He's wisdom and humor in perfect harmony and probably hates that I'm gushing about how wonderful he is...but I can't help it.  I want to be him when (if) I grow up.  


Multitude Monday!  I'm SO thankful for...

21.  summer prairie peppered with color and sounds I used to know. 
22.  finding rest where no one will find me.
23.  deep breaths. 
24.  my dad. 
25.  air conditioning! 
26.  days with no plans. 
27.  the understanding and beautiful heart of a 7 year old who never seems to notice her needs are less and often met later.   
28.  my baby snuggled in close, breathing deep to gather her mother's scent and resting deeper in comfort of it...the biology of adoption. 
29.  warmth of one stranger melting away the uncertainty of another.
30.  steadfast quest for light...in dark tunnels, by prairie flowers, and in quiet moments. 

holy experience


Luca's Birthday Pictures

It was a busy week of partying for Luca's 5th birthday bash!  Wednesday was her actual birthday (and of course everyone had to work), so we had a special night at Toy Story 3 and Luca's choice for dinner (she chose Chinese).  Then Friday night we had her Strawberry Shortcake birthday at Chuck E. Cheese.  She got spoiled beyond the point of recognition and partied her sweet heart out! 

Friday at the fair

Garret fell in love with these glasses and wore them with pride ALL night.

Brenin picked this snuggly Dora pillow for her gift to Luca, and Luca LOVES it!

We got her an mp3 player and loaded it with music...as you can see by the look on her face, she was thoroughly surprised!  lol  It seems like a rediculous gift for a 5 year old, but honestly it's one of my favorite "toys" my girls have.  Music is such an educational, healing, spiritual, emotional, fun and relaxing tool and something I want my kids to have free access to! 

Luca's favorite thing to do is build things with Grandpa, and they got her her very own tool set with her own tool belt and tool box!  She also got Legos, dress up clothes and so many more goodies!  It was fun to take this moment in time (or week!) to celebrate Luca and shower her with all the things she loves.  It's been so amazing to watch her walk into all our lives and into the hearts of so many.  I feel so privileged to experience the years to come and to carry my sweet Luca in my heart for all time.