We spent the weekend in Chicagoland!
We had a nice visit with Danny's uncle and dad (who's been sick in the hospital) before heading downtown to visit with some good friends (true city slickers). Here's a conversation which me and dear husband had while on our journey. You know, in case you were wondering.
Me: Dear, sweet husband. Would you mind telling me when you get a chance where I should make my next turn to get to the hotel in this this peaceful village of "Chicago"? Take your time, my love, for we are in love, and lovers have all the time in the world.
He: Why, my precious darling angel face, I was just sitting here waiting for you to speak to me again because I so love the sound of your voice when you are driving in the city. It is like a meadowlark in the spring time after a fresh rain on my soul. I would love to tell you where your turn is, if that would please you my dear. Really, ANYthing to please you.
Me: Oh sweetest of peas! You are just so kind to me! Just whenever you get the chance, I'd love to hear where the turn is. Maybe when you complete your meditation, or tomorrow afternoon...you know, whenever.
He: My sugardrops with cream on tops, I am so very sorry, for we have just missed our turn. Is there anything I can do to repay you for my faulty navigational skills? I do not know much about directions or maps or GPS'esses. Wilt thou helpest me, pleeease?
Me: Love of my life, filler of my soul...there is nothing you must do to repay me, for I will just find another way to the hotel. It will be easy after all, it is only downtown Chicago. Why look, everyone is so friendly, all waving and calling out to us as we gently maneuver our car this way and that in front of them. Look, they must think we are stuck between these two lanes that we are stopped in and are actually TELLING us the directions we need. What a lovely display of humanity. Thank you, kind people of Chicago, thank you!
He: I agree, daydream sugar pie. Of course, I always agree with you because you are so often right. Shall we stop and say a prayer of thanksgiving for each other before we continue on to the hotel?
Me: What a splendid idea you have had once again, my prince. If there is one thing I would like to do right now, it is to stop and give thanks for you.
The End.
Wasn't that lovely??
I think so too.
Okay, picture time!
Here we are on the train where we were OBVIOUSLY the only ones from "where the blacktop ends." My sister in law (also a city girl) was kind enough to point out that we had chosen "checkered" shirts to wear, making us even more identifible as the certified hicks.
Actually, I'm not really sure what we were thinking when we deemed this particular wardrobe as appropriate for city train riding (we didn't even consult with each other on the matter!).
The point is is that we're able to laugh at ourselves.
No, wait a minute...what was the point??
Oh yeah, hicks on a train (which I affectionately call the subway, further confirming my hickish ways).
The kids may or may not have thought the train was an actual amusement ride and not a form of transportation. We may or may not have furthered this belief by snapping a few hundred photos for their scrapbooks. Do you think this will get us out of ever having to purchase tickets to Disneyl@nd?? 
Look kids, it's the Magic Kingdom!!!!
Our train ride destination...ice cream sundaes the size of our HEADS!!!! (This was JUST Luca's!)
You'd better get crackin' on that thing, girl! It's gonna' be a looooong night at the ice cream parlor!
Our friends made us dinner at their place right downtown and only a few blocks from our hotel before the train ride. They gathered a schmoargasboard of Chicago-made foods to serve us...it was INCREDIBLE and SO sweet!!!! 
Willis Tower (used to be Sears Tower) in the background.
Home Tweet Home...most beautiful hotel ever!
My swimming superhero.
...and bathing beauties.
View from the pool!
Peanut in the Pool.
Oh Lordy, this one.
There may be a similar photo of their parents. Minus the peaceful smile.
We're so cool in the city.
The End.