The Buchanan girls were Northern bound once again for Father's Day weekend!
The North woods pulled out all the stops for us once again...campfires, s'mores, fish fry, kayaking, canoe-ing, camper cuddling, hiking, music, ice cream, exploring, photography, family, swimming (no pics because it was an impromptu swim and the kids were in their underoos...hilarious though!).
I don't think we stopped moving all weekend!
You can almost SMELL the sense of adventure on the ride up.
(and yes, I am THAT good of a driver to take a picture while driving). :-)
One of our favorite hangouts
I had to basically pry my hand from that kayak to let her out there on her just didn't seem natural to be releasing such a teeny little person out into a big lake in her own ride! She did amazing!!
It rained pretty much the whole weekend, but we didn't let it stop us.
Being out on the lake or hiking through the woods with a gente
rain falling was an absolutely BEAUTIFUL experience!
Unfortunately we forgot we had put a 6 inch hole in our camper last Fall while packing it up, so Camp Buchanan was offering an indoor "waterfall suite" this trip. It was so lovely. In a really not lovely kind of way.
Happy Father's Day to the BEST Dad ever! He works the hardest up North to keep everyone in campers/boats/fishing equipment/bikes/trails/and whatever else kind of trouble we get into (and they let us use their SHOWER!!!) Thanks, Mufaro and Dahlia, for the amazing time and countless memories you give us!
Wonder what she's looking at?
This! :-)
Tuck Finn
Beauty EVERY.where.
We love to look for turtle eggs down by the lake. Usually we find the nests all dug up by critters with empty shells all over the place, but this time we actually found some whole eggs! It's a wonder turtles ever get to hatch around seems something likes to eat the eggs before they get a chance!
Garret with the love of his life.
Like father, like son.
I (heart) little boys with dirt smears on their cheeks.
Clam on the move! Luca had fun finding empty clam shells, and her mother had fun trying to smuggle them into someone else's car for the ride home.
(it didn't work...shoot).
Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet
and the winds long to play with your hair.
-Kahlil Gibran-