The birthday girl was granted all her wishes this weekend...
a My Little Pony party WHILE camping! The girl knows how to party!
Tradition states that the birthday girl gets to choose the menu...
Luca chose strawberry covered waffles for dinner! Wash that
down with some birthday cake and you've got yourself a SuGaR hIgH!
Don't you just wonder what little girls wish for?
Ah...I think she likes it, what do you think?
Luca got a scooter from grandma and grandpa, so we all
headed to a nearby skate park so she could try it out.
Then ice cream and beach time!
Brenin and Tucker were the first to spot our very FIRST bear in camp (after 3 years of searching for one all over those northern woods!) My girl was ALL. OVER. IT. The story was quickly escalating as time progressed. Here she is filling us all in on her accounts. :-)
Had fun in the canoes and kayaks Friday night and like most anything it turned into a photo shoot for me and my trusty camera. Here are a few of my faves (along with the new blog header photo!)
Happy birthday to my sweet 6 year old.
She is a gift.
And I am one lucky mama!