FIRST: Scroll down to the end of this blog to the song player and hit pause so the music stops.
I usually spend some time with each girl at bedtime in their own beds, singing, laughing, talking, sending them off to dreams with smiles on their faces and blankeys and bears in all the right places.
Tonight after tucking them in, I was about to give the usual speech, "No's sleepy time...yadda, yadda, yadda" when I suddenly remembered all the bedtimes I spent nose to cheek with my own fantabulous sister, whispering and giggling, making each other sing a song for every letter of the alphabet (okay, that was me...sorry, Kris), and what wonderful bonds were formed in those sweet moments.
So I snuggled Luca in with Brenin while I got ready for bed. A few minutes later, I knew I had to run for the camera when I heard this sweet lullabye dancing from their room...
With a heart so full,
Sweet dreams, my precious girls.
Oh my goodness. What utter sweetness! That was so precious, Cari!! Thank you for sharing it!!!
I've been stalking your blog! That is the sweetest song I've heard in a while!! Glad you caught it on video!
I don't get misty very often, but that video is amazing. Loved it!
happy b day to your precious Brenin!
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