
One of the Many Reasons I Love Brenin...

If you're looking for Brenin, you usually first have to find a book because her nose is almost always in one. Here's how I found her in bed last night, and I have to say I loved it.

What's she reading? "Not One Damsel In Distress," a book recommended to me by a friend (hi Kristen W.!) when our babies were, well, babies. In each of the fairy tales, it is the GIRL who is the strong and courageous HERO who saves the day!
Luca on the other hand has been having trouble calming herself for bedtime, so my sister recommended a nightly "Goodnight Moon" read. I'm telling you, the book casts a spell on my little fusser and sends her to instant yawning. There's just something to the rhythm of the book that almost requires you to rock while you read, and the last word of each sentence seems to end in a soft "shhhh." It's magical and definitely doing the trick!
Sweet dreams, my angels...

1 comment:

Myriah said...

She is such a doll...I miss you guys SO much! Let's plan a playdate soon. Let me know when is good for you and we can get it on the calendar. If things aren't on the calendar they usually don't happen. :)