I've been meaning to blog all week about our Labor Day weekend activities but am just now catching up with myself enough to download the pictures onto the computer! When the job AND the homeschooling are rolling in unison, I'm left with little time for the details of life such as blogging and sleeping and eating sitting down. ;-)
It was a crazy busy weekend, but we got LOTS of quality time in with our good friends, Rachel & Eric and their 3 girls as well as my sister & her family. Pretty much all that we did was with these guys this weekend, so there was lots of laughter.
Here's the rundown:
Friday after school we had a surprise park/zoo date with Kristin & the boys.
Saturday we went to the Baraboo Rendezvous Days ...an entire pioneer village set up down by the river with everyone living in tepees in full pioneer dress...very cool. The kids got to crush corn with a mortar and pestle and check out a tepee and a working blacksmith. Brenin was in her glory. She told one of the pioneers that if they only have girls, the girls will have to learn to do the boys' work (as she learned in her pioneer studies last year), and the fella (dressed in animal skin head to toe) told her she was pretty young to be having such deep thoughts. *sigh*...welcome to my world, buddy...welcome to my world.
We then headed for Viroqua where Danny's grandpa is staying in a nursing home after a fall/broken hip. It was his birthday, and we got to visit with him as well as some of Danny's family. It was the first time any of them had met Luca!
From there we met up with the Labor Day crew again and headed to the car races!!! Yep...I'm admitting it...we spent Saturday night at the races!!! Actually, it was my redneck sister's redneck idea, but we really did have a redneck good time anyways. It was redneck "bike night," and they were giving away a ton of redneck bikes. Between our redneck families, we have 7 redneck kids, and THREE of them left with a brand new redneck bike! That was pretty thrilling, redneck or not! All the redneck kids of our redneck bunch who were in need of a redneck bike were actually the redneck ones to get one! :0
Garret & the Girls
My sister & her hubby actually caught this action for me and reminded me to grab my camera. It's my sweet girl standing on the edge of the fence, waving her checkered flag for the cars. My sister pointed out, and I have to agree, that it's so like Brenin to take something she's never done before and throw herself heart and soul into it. It's one of my favorite things about her.
The night ended in fireworks...a perfect end to summer!
Sunday we headed to LaCrosse with the same crew and drove to the top of Grandad's Bluff for a lookout, then to Chuck E. Cheese (God help us all), and then the daddies took the babies off to a park while the mommies had a little retail therapy. Good daddies.
I had to work Monday, but after work we headed to my Aunt & Uncle's for a lovely BBQ (and they even had a bounce house!!!). The girls both passed out cold on the couch when we got home in complete and utter exhaustion from the full weekend. It was "goodnight girls" and "goodbye summer."
We're really looking forward to Fall, as it's our favorite time of year and last year we were reeling from our failed court date for Luca, impatiently waiting through court closure, and trying not to pout at all the orchards and pumpkin patches because our sweet girl was missing out on all the fun. I've said this a million times this year, but "my what a difference a year makes!"
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