We've been trying to plan a fun activity for each day of Christmas break, and New Year's Day we headed to the roller-skating rink! We all had a blast (Danny even surprised himself by making it around the loop without clinging to the wall or severely injuring himself! hehe)
My sweet girl slowly making her way around the circle
Luca, as usual, was DETERMINED to conquer the task at hand and wouldn't leave the floor for a second the entire time we were there. She progressed from wall-hugging to a slow crawl on her own! When this girl sets her mind to something, there's just no stopping that train!
Pulling out the dimple on me, eh? Ruthless!
Daddy and Brenin
Lovely Lukes
I'm usually not a big fan of new year's resolutions, but this year I am going to take a stab at it. With life as busy as it is, I'm constantly making "to-do" lists for myself, and they're filled with items like "clean toy room" and "shampoo carpets." At the end of the day, the list is filled with productive tasks which have very little to do with me and which take up all my days. This year my resolution is to regularly add some items to the list which feed my soul (fiddling, scrapbooking, writing), and I can't wait to start checking some of them off! Looking forward to 2010!
I haven't been roller-skating in years! Love that Luca is so determined! Too funny that she wouldn't leave the floor! Good luck with your resolutions!!!
ok, that's looks like so much fun! I have to find a rink here for the girls! (well, admittedly I would like to go too)! jealous of the sleding and I can't believe you have an ATV. Seriously, how much fun do you guys have??!!! Loved the post about your sister-such amazing words. She seems absolutely wonderful!! great posts!!!
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