This Thursday marked the 2 year anniversary of the first time we saw Luca's face, the day we received our referral and in our hearts became a family of FOUR. The memory of our caseworker's voice on the phone is burned in my memory forever...."There's a little girl in Shashemene," she said, and instantly I thought, "oh my gosh, my child is in SHASHEMENE!" (Not that I knew what or where in the world "Shashemene" was, but instantly I felt her presence there and she was real...and she was mine!) Our two paths had parrallelled in a way only God could orchestrate, and it was crystal clear she was predestined for our family. I literally shook the rest of the day in an adrenaline rush, and then the painful wait to November began, during which I would stare at these pictures TIRELESSLY, praying that God would protect and comfort the broken heart of this precious lamb.
This is the very first image that popped up on my email after talking to the caseworker, the first time I ever saw Luca's face. L-O-V-E.
I stared at this one so long, I began to notice minute details like the pair of dirty footprints on the wall (can you find them??) If I could have walked to Ethiopia to hold this girl for even a moment, I would have left yesterday. The wait was long, the road hard, and the reward unfathomable.
More Easter activities this week too...won't write too much...I think you get the gist!
Love this one my sister took of these silly little punks!
The girls' eggs had lots to do with sparkle...
...and frill.
And then there were the boys' eggs.
Girl egg.
Boy egg.
Any questions?
Oh yeah, and here's a conversation we'll be having at
our house every day for the next 2 weeks or so:
Kids: What's for breakfast?
Me: Hard boiled eggs.
Kids: Again?!?
Me: Yep.
Happy Easter Everyone!
Love the referral pictures!
Happy Referral Anniversary! Those referral pictures are so sweet! She was a pantless little cutie pie! Happy Easter!!
happy referral day! she must have stolen your heart in a hurry with those sweet pics! so funny the girl/boy easter eggs! too funny but they are some cute pics alright!
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