As I type, there's a pile of Buchanans on my couch sleeping away after a busy weekend!
Activities began Friday night with the graduation of my brother-in-law's brother. It was one of those graduations where you can't believe the person graduating is actually old enough to be graduating. Seriously, this kid was a BABY when we met him! How old does that make me?!?!?
Saturday began with a birthday party for Brenin & Luca's friend, Maximus.
It was a bowling party and super fun!
Later that day we went to dinner and then decided to hit the drive-in movies! It had been raining but was clearing just as we pulled in, and we were greeted with this beautiful rainbow!!!
After a super late night at the drive in, we all rallied early this morning for the annual Fly-In Drive-In breakfast at the airport to eat breakfast in the hanger and check out all the planes and firetrucks...a great kick-off to summer!
In other news, we're saying FAREWELL TO FIRST GRADE and officially putting the school books away for the summer!!!!! We're ALL in need of a nice long break and looking forward to all the summer activities planned. Luca will be playing 4-5 year old t-ball, Brenin will be in a week-long soccer clinic and will continue her guitar lessons, and both girls will be taking swimming lessons this summer. Also Brenin is excited to be joining a 1st-3rd grade book discussion group at the library (she just about fell off her chair when she heard this group existed!), and both girls will be participating in the summer reading program.
Looking forward to a summer filled with swimming, Popcicle eating, lazy days, FUN and SUN!
hey!! so I just watched the video of luca reading! wow! such an amazing accomplishment and what a sweet little voice!! loved that! also LOVE the pics you took of the "road trip"-they were ALL amazing! I don't think I could pick my favorite b/c they were all great! looks like the start to a fab summer!!! can't wait to follow along!
Farewell to 1st grade! Summer fun here you come. I love the picture of you and Luca! It's no wonder those kids were passed out on the couch after that busy weekend!
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