
They Don't Make Field Trips to the Farm Like They Used To!

We had the unique opportunity to visit an aquaponics farm with our
homeschool group last week.  If you haven't heard of aquaponics,
definitely take a minute to Google it!  It's quite a scientific and eco-savvy
way to farm and made for an interesting and thought-provoking field trip!
Yet another dynamic to the ever-changing face of agriculture! 

Each tank held about 500 tilapia and was closely regulated and monitored. 

The fish "waste" that collects in the tanks, while toxic to the fish, serves as food for the plants!  After the plants take their needed nutrients from the water, it's no longer toxic to the fish and can be regenerated!  They basically work hand in hand for each other's survival and conserve a whole lot of water in the process! 

The kids got to feed the tilapia too! 

 I'm coming to live in this greenhouse come January or February! 

1 comment:

Jessica P said...

You're going to live there too??? Guess we'll be sharing living space! :) It was a very interesting farm for sure!