

Home from Chicago, rested and relaxed!  Had a FABULOUS time with my mom and my sister and even got some Christmas shopping done!  We ate all the things we don't normally allow ourselves to eat and had more fun than we normally allow ourselves to have (Why do we DO that to ourselves???  Birthdays are a lesson to us, I'm convinced of it!). 

What a gift to have these 2 women who fill my heart so full without distraction for 3 days!!  It was a VERY happy birthday (and I think I've successfully made everyone celebrate it for an entire week, so yay me!).  ;-) 

Special shout out thank you to the Michaels for their hospitality!! 
Love you guys so much! 

On the homefront, I made an appointment for Bren before we left because her throat was hurting so bad she didn't want to swallow even her saliva (TMI...sorry, I'm a mom).  Turns out she had strep throat!  After a day on antibiotics, she's feeling 100%!  Poor girl had a rough go of it for a couple of days.  :-( 

Busy week ahead of parade float preparation for the homeless shelter. 
Can't wait to see how it turns out! 

Oh yeah, and saw our FIRST SNOWFLAKES tonight!!!  Yippee!!!
(ask me in February how I feel about snowflakes...
my reaction will be dramatically different).  ;-)


Debbie said...

It was so cool to be asked to go along on the "sister" trip this year. Had a blast. Now for the five pounds I have to lose. At least your word verification isn't calling me fatio today.

MKH said...

so glad you had a wonderful weekend! what a wonderful picture of you and your mom & sis!