
Mother's Day Update

Spent Mother's Day a little differently this year...I skipped town! 

I had the privilege of road-tripping up North to the cabin with my mom for an extended weekend (Friday through Tuesday!) of scrapbooking!  I printed off a whole year's pictures to work on (and yes, I am THAT far behind) and made a good dent in them over the weekend.  It felt so good to get some scrapbooking done and also have some down time with my mom.  We were sure to be good to ourselves, eating all sorts of yummy things, watching all the chick flicks we could handle, shopping and doing all the wonderful things you just can't get away with with two little monkeys hanging from your ankles.  It was pure fabulousness! 

When we returned from up north, we had a couple (I repeat, A COUPLE) of warm days in the 80s.  The girls and I wasted no time in heading to the lake to dip our toes (see pics below).  We've since cooled back down to the 60s and have resumed our moaning and groaning about this ULTRA late spring weather we're having this year (come ON, summer!!!!)  Crossing our fingers and toes and whatever else we can cross that those warmer temps will return to us SOON!!!  Until then, I'm going to stare at these pictures of my beauties standing knee deep in water, rockin' their tank tops and shorts, soakin' up some sun! 

1 comment:

MKH said...

happy mothers day! sounds like the perfect weekend (crazy jealous over here!!!!) The pics of the girls at the lake & wearing their necklaces are just beautiful. The photography is amazing! Are we going to get a glance at that scrapbook??? :)