
Berry Fun Times

Nothing says summer like strawberry picking! 

My partners in crime.

Dear Lord.  Please help me not to eat this scrumptious child. 
The teeth are gone.  Therth's a lithp.  This yoke is not easy.  Amen. 

We're never the quietest row of berry pickers, but most likely the most entertaining! 

Strawberry Sisters

Trying to convince her mother that THIS TIME the berry
she picked was not a rotten one.  It in fact was,
but that's beside the point, don't you think? 

On the menu for dinner:  strawberry soup, strawberry wine, strawberry salad,
strawberry pie, strawberry gumbo, strawberry....you get the drift.  :-) 


Debbie said...

Mmmmmmmmm...save me some of them strawberries and some of them sweet cheeks.

Anonymous said...

Adore the toothless little grin! I'd love to take Ben to do this but we'd melt down here ;). Looks fun!

MKH said...

absolutely gorgeous pics! the one of you and the girls is AMAZING!! put that one in a frame now!! I will pray you do not eat your young-although she is way too precious not to consider!!