Sometimes living in a rural American town can feel like a movie set. You have to remind yourself that you're really there, really living this good. The green is really that green, and yeah, half the people in town would probably show up at your funeral if you died tomorrow - with a casserole for your family, of course (and they probably know how much you paid for your house and who your "folks" are too).
While I sorely miss some of the diversity and cultural exchange that occurs in bigger cities, sometimes I just can't help but sit back and revel in our own little small town culture. It can be a charming cross between a Norman Rockwell and the ghetto. : -) Somehow, it works.
Nothing says small town like our parades.
There's lots of this going on.
What is it about American flags, parades and kids?? It's a "breathe deep" moment every time.
Oh, and who needs sweets when they're passing out sweet CORN?
Yep, Norman MUST have attended a few parades in his day.
While in the neighborhood, we stopped at the waterfall to dip our toes. I was gonna do a backflip off the rocks like this guy, but then I remembered I didn't have my swimsuit. Shoot. 

We decided we'd bribe them with this picture when they're 16. Always planning ahead, we are.
It was a day well spent.
"Our lives are made in these small hours, these little wonders..."
-Rob Thomas-
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