
Why Every 8-Year-Old Should Have E-mail

Found this in my inbox today:

I love you yes I do!

You make me very happy!  You never make me take a nappy! 

Because you are so very smart my love for you is bigger than w@lmart!

You are so cute I could puke!  (Extra points for using "puke" in a poem!  Atta' girl!) 

la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la!!!!!!!!! 

Heaven must be missing an angel (that's you). 

Have I mentioned that I really really really reeeeeally like this kid??


MKH said...

Love this post cari!! I secretly hope to get an e mail like this some day :)
And always good to have a momma/brenin day-whose soul was it better for that day?? ;)

Anonymous said...

She is an awesome 8 year old!!