
Christmas Mischief (Christchief)

Lots of Christmas fun going on around here.  First off, I think I have a new second-favorite Christmas movie, Arthur Christmas.  It was SOO good (although Elf is still #1 because...LOOOOOOVE!!!). 

Christmas Pickle
One tradition we have is the Christmas pickle ornament.  If you haven't heard of it, the ornament is hid somewhere on the tree, and the first one to find it gets a present!  This year's surprise, the new Barbie Christmas movie (exciting, huh???  My girlies thought so!)  :) 

These pics are not the best (like ALL the other ones on my blog...haha), but you get the drift.  :)

Pickle hunters....getting right down to business. 

Christmas Caroling
And just tell me WHO on Earth doesn't think it's fun to load up a bunch of family and friends on a hay wagon and ride through town singing Christmas carols???  (Informing the troops that we're 40% sure this is legal...don't they look thrilled?).  

Overflow seating and front end security.  :)

Ready for take off.  Don't they look ready?? 
(I see doubt in some of those faces.  Or is that fear?)

The peanut gallery.

Mother Christmas looking lovely  :)

I don't think anyone even noticed we were there. 

Nice to meet you.  Can I sit on your lap? 

Imagine THIS pulling up to the nursing home door.

People, we have GOOD people.  That's all I kept thinking all night long.  We have GOOD people! 


Pulling up to the hospital, quite a sight to see.

Empty nest.  :)P 
(Who brought the quilts??  What a bunch of wimps!)

Bringing up the rear.

We closed out the night with lots of goodies and some good 'ol bluegrass jamming with a couple of guitars, a couple of fiddles, a mandolin, a banjo, some drums and a WHOLE lot of shakers and "backup."  I would have had pictures, but someone stuck a fiddle in my hand and it was all over from there.  :) 

Christmas Lights
Finally, this weekend we headed to Madison with my great uncle for some Texas Ro@dhouse (our fave!) and a drive through a Christmas light display.  Again, not the best pics, but fun nonetheless. 

The Capital (and the lighted building in the background is the REAL Capital!)  :)

"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love."
-Hamilton Wright Mabie-  

A CONSPIRACY of LOVE....isn't that how this whole thing got started?? 

Happy Christmas, folks. 

1 comment:

Debbie said...

What a fun time the caroling was. You guys really know how to put the spirit in Christmas.