
Gifts from the East, Bluegrass Stomp and a Heat Wave!

Gifts from Taiwan arrived this week!!  I'm not sure if everything is really
this beautiful that comes from Taiwan, or if it's that I love the
 people sending it so much that adds extra beauty. 

Thank you, Leo and Vic....we love you!!!! 

This little clip is a bit random, but Luca loves to watch her reflection,
be it in a mirror, a window....anything that shines.  She makes faces at herself,
plays with her hair, dresses up or dances.  I caught this little number on my
camera this week and thought it might make you smile like it did me. 

Finally, we are experiencing a heat wave here in Wisconsin!!  That's right,
temps near 50 in JANUARY!!!  It's an extra treat, because normally in January
we're well below zero and starting to twitch and drool from the cabin fever. 
(okay, that may be a bit of an exageration, but not by much!)  :) 

We had a third kiddo Friday night, and since it was so warm we
decided to have a fire!   It's my FAVORITE thing to do, and what a treat
to sit OUTside in January (still in shock) and get lost in the flames. 
These three were mildly excited about the idea. 

We're used to having mini marshmallows in the winter for hot cocoa and
big marshmallows in the summer time for s'mores. We improvised and roasted
our hot cocoa marshmallows by the stack. :)  Worked like a charm! 

Turns out they also stick to faces.  You know, in case you were wondering. 

Thank you, Lord, for this opportunity, mid-January,
to smell the Earth and to feel the sun on our faces!