

We've seen so little of the snow this year, I'd almost forgotten how breathtakingly beautiful it can be.  A while back, I planned a snowshoe outing for our homeschool group, thinking we're SURE to have snow in February (in Wisconsin!), but sure enough we faced changing our plans to a "winter hike" because we had no SNOW!  This is, for certain, the winter that wasn't

So this morning when I woke up and saw the fresh covering and awe.some. beauty that was every. single. tree. in sight, I couldn't WAIT to get out into those woods!  Nature is the wisest counselor, and I just knew being there was important and oh so right. 

Our Guide

Poor Luca wasn't feeling very good but was a real trooper. 

We Northern folk love our evergreens. 
Proof of life in deadness of winter?  Yes, please! 

Fave Fact from the Day:  To determine if you're looking at a red pine or white pine, count the number of needles in a bundle.  The word "white" has 5 letters in it, a a white pine has 5 needles per bundle!

Couldn't have planned the snow better myself...never thought I'd catch myself praying for snow, but there's a first time for everything I guess.  :) 

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