
torture techniques: a parenting parallel

This is just too funny not to share...from Rage Against the Minivan!

torture techniques: a parenting parallel

I watched a disturbing documentary on psychological torture techniques in political prisons recently. As they described the tactics that were used to get these prisoners to break down mentally, I felt a disturbing flash of recognition in many areas. Any of these sound familiar?

•sleep deprivation - not allowing the subject to sleep

•noise flooding - subjecting prisoners to loud, unrelenting high-pitched noises, particularly while sleeping

•repeated questioning -asking the subject the same questions, over and over again

•music torture - a form of torture that involves playing annoying music incessantly

•hygiene - subject is prevented from showering on a regular basis

•isolation - removing subject from contact with peers

•humiliation - placing subjects in close contact with urine and fecal matter

•systematic reduction of choice - forcing subjects to complete the same arbitrary tasks over and over again

I will let you draw your own parallels here. Seems my mind is not working like it should . . .

(But they sure are cute. Or maybe that's just the Stockholm Syndrome talking.)

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