Saturday at Governor Dodge State Park
My Fridge is Full of...
Here she is right after the shots...trust me, she wasn't smiling DURING!
Afterwards we headed to McDonald's with this handsome
.One more round of shots in 6 months and we are D-O-N-E!!!!
In other news...There's a FOR SALE sign in our yard!!!!!!!!!!
I know, I know, great time to sell, huh?
It's been a long time coming, but we finally decided to call a
realtor and set the ball in motion, no matter how
long it will be rolling in these real-estate-challenged times!
Some Back To School Thoughts...

It’s really quite a bipolar effect for me, homeschooling. One day I’m just sure I’ve done them in…no college will take them now! Then the next day I swear they could TEACH a college course because their carefree, “the world is my classroom” homeschooling ways have led them to complete and utter GENIUS!
Either way…I take my role as teacher and “molder of the minds” very seriously and probably often over-think things. (Doesn’t sound like me a bit, does it…I can hear my parents laughing at me right now).
If I don’t teach it, they won’t learn it – It’s as simple as that.
I have days where I wake up and think things like, “oh my gosh…I forgot to teach them_____________________ !!!“ (fill in the blank with something like “basic addition” or “how to survive in the real world”).
But then the craziest thing happens.
The little buggers learn something!
And I taught it to them!
HA! Take that bipolar!
I feel as if I’ve given them something primal like light or air which they’ll carry with them into adulthood and I begin to see the complexity of their absorbent minds and I’m so grateful to be witnessing and feeling this moment with them in our own living room or kitchen or back yard. It’s triumph and joy and empowerment and accomplishment.
It’s lovely.
And then the next day I wake up and I think, “oh my gosh…I forgot to teach them ____________________________ (“basic addition, “how to survive,” you know the drill).
Ah, homeschooling.
What a trip.
Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.
-William Butler Yeats-
Warner Bros Got It Right This Time!
Now THAT's worth the price of a movie ticket,
and I for one will be there opening night!
On our vacation, the room was a bit crampy...
...the girl is SLEEPING!!!!
Knocked out cold from all her camping activities!
Boy can I relate!
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like...
And how could we pass this up when Luca's alterego is Wonder Woman (you have to see her teeny little self look up at you with her WW cape on and say, "I'm wunnnndur wohman!"
All in all, it was the perfect day...
office supplies and my two favorite girls!
First grade and Preschool...HERE WE COME!!!
Six Flags & Swimming Pools
Oh well...guess they're not amusement park material.