I found this sign on another blog today and HAD to add it to mine. It reminds me of this time of year…the month or so before school starts where I start to doubt my ability to provide quality education; to question my decision to take my children’s schooling into my own hands and out of the hands of qualified individuals; to lie in bed and wonder just how badly I will mess their lives up by homeschooling them.
(wink wink)
It’s really quite a bipolar effect for me, homeschooling. One day I’m just sure I’ve done them in…no college will take them now! Then the next day I swear they could TEACH a college course because their carefree, “the world is my classroom” homeschooling ways have led them to complete and utter GENIUS!
It’s really quite a bipolar effect for me, homeschooling. One day I’m just sure I’ve done them in…no college will take them now! Then the next day I swear they could TEACH a college course because their carefree, “the world is my classroom” homeschooling ways have led them to complete and utter GENIUS!
Either way…I take my role as teacher and “molder of the minds” very seriously and probably often over-think things. (Doesn’t sound like me a bit, does it…I can hear my parents laughing at me right now).
Either way…I take my role as teacher and “molder of the minds” very seriously and probably often over-think things. (Doesn’t sound like me a bit, does it…I can hear my parents laughing at me right now).
If I don’t teach it, they won’t learn it – It’s as simple as that.
If I don’t teach it, they won’t learn it – It’s as simple as that.
No pressure.
I have days where I wake up and think things like, “oh my gosh…I forgot to teach them_____________________ !!!“ (fill in the blank with something like “basic addition” or “how to survive in the real world”).
I have days where I wake up and think things like, “oh my gosh…I forgot to teach them_____________________ !!!“ (fill in the blank with something like “basic addition” or “how to survive in the real world”).
But then the craziest thing happens.
But then the craziest thing happens.
The little buggers learn something!
The little buggers learn something!
And I taught it to them!
And I taught it to them!
HA! Take that bipolar!
HA! Take that bipolar!
I feel as if I’ve given them something primal like light or air which they’ll carry with them into adulthood and I begin to see the complexity of their absorbent minds and I’m so grateful to be witnessing and feeling this moment with them in our own living room or kitchen or back yard. It’s triumph and joy and empowerment and accomplishment.
I feel as if I’ve given them something primal like light or air which they’ll carry with them into adulthood and I begin to see the complexity of their absorbent minds and I’m so grateful to be witnessing and feeling this moment with them in our own living room or kitchen or back yard. It’s triumph and joy and empowerment and accomplishment.
It’s lovely.
It’s lovely.
And then the next day I wake up and I think, “oh my gosh…I forgot to teach them ____________________________ (“basic addition, “how to survive,” you know the drill).
And then the next day I wake up and I think, “oh my gosh…I forgot to teach them ____________________________ (“basic addition, “how to survive,” you know the drill).
Ah, homeschooling.
Ah, homeschooling.
What a trip.
What a trip.
I love it. I hate it.
But mostly I love it.
Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.
-William Butler Yeats-
Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.
-William Butler Yeats-
As I read your post this morning I thought,"Oh my gosh, I've cloned myself". All of those doubts I had while homeschooling you. But I look at what you have accomplished and become and how much farther you have gone than myself with my so-called "limitations". Your quotes say it all. Loving them with all of your heart and pouring yourself 100% into your children along with showing them how to make the world their classroom takes the pressure off of what YOU know. They can follow their interests full throttle. As your mother, I sit here typing this with tears in my eyes, with such overwhelming proudness of you and a love that makes me know that your kids will even surpass you (if that is possible). My buttons are popping bear. YOU ARE AMAZING!
Another awesome post my friend. I Just LOVE your writing. I sense you are an amazing teacher, which can only come from being an amazing mom. Have an awesome school year!!
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