Brenin participated in a reading program last school year which granted her (and her teacher...woohoo!) free passes to Six Flags Great America! Kristin and I had been meaning to take Brenin & Tucker as a celebration of their kindergarten completion all summer and finally took the opportunity last Friday. It was PERFECT weather and so much fun to have some "one on one" time with our big kids.
Count 'em...SIX FLAGS!
My big first grader...my, how I love this girl!
Our big first graders turned out to be...well...big chickens! They found every baby ride in the place and wouldn't so much as look at anything that went more than 10 feet off the ground (and even that was a Scooby Doo bus which they happily rode with all the other babies and toddlers in the park.
We saw lots of characters, including these two!
Seriously...it was bad...I won't even post the pictures because it would be too painful for you to look at! At one point they were riding a Tweety bird mini ferris wheel (and I mean MINI!), and both of them were in tears because the cage was rocking. Brenin gave me a look of desparation as she slowly circled around and gently placed her hand on the cage wall, reaching in complete Brenin drama for her mother as if through prison walls. I went up to the ride attendant and asked if he could stop the ride and let our kids out.
"Sure," he said. "Which ones are they?"
"The really BIG ones!" my sister embarrasingly chimed in behind me.
Oh well...guess they're not amusement park material.
Oh well...guess they're not amusement park material.
Next time we'll bring the babies to liven the place up a bit!
Cheating on Grandma...she didn't hold a candle to their gradma though!
oh dear...
The girls also started swimming lessons this week and are loving it. Brenin should probably be in a higher class because after she takes her turn swimming with the barbell and while the others are taking their turn, she swims by with perfect strokes and NO barbell!
She's loving it nonetheless, and it's always fun to be top of the class.
Luca's favorite thing to do is swim, so getting to do it every day is such a treat for her!
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