More fall pics! (I'm almost done, I promise!)
Toured 2 orchards / farmers markets and enjoyed the bounty
of the season...fresh caramel apples, hand-rolled butter (YUM),
apple cider, apple donuts, crisp apples (okay, so we ate
basically ourselves's harvest time!) :-)
Let me just say that there is some kind of chemical
reaction that happens when you roll a crisp, fresh, caramel dipped
apple in really just shouldn't be legal.
Daddy and Luca Bazooka
This is how she rolls.
This cowgirl can sniff out a horse a mile away!
Bouncy horse rides...Tucker looks like he's struggling in
this shot, but he rallied and won the race!
An annual shot...the first one taken with two little blonde
baby heads peeking out...the 2 in the middle were but a dream.
Ticket for a train ride, Garret's favorite part.
Little train man.
Ummm, baby? I think there's something right behind you!
Apples! Aren't they beautiful??