

My sister asked me to edit some shots she took of her son this week, and I thought I'd share my 2 faves from the bunch.  Photographing Garret is like "trying to catch a cloud and pin it down," but I think these two are darling. 

This kid has the whole family charmed, and just looking at these shots makes me want to smother those little cheeks in auntie kisses.  :-) 


We went for a fabulous candlelight hike last night at Mirror Lake.  The temperature was absolutely perfect, the moon bright, a light fog softening everything, and the scents of the forest fresh and strong after the day's rain.  I could have stayed in those woods all night! 

 The kids received booklets with clues, and they
had to try and figure out who the mystery guest was. 

There were 4 stations to find, each one with a stamp
for the booklet and another clue about the mystery guest.

A family candlelit self-portrait.  :-)

And finally...the mystery guest!

Bren's Big Day

Last Saturday marked the end of Brenin's soccer season.  She had her last game and got a special medal!  She had so much fun in soccer this Fall and learned a lot about the game.  This week we got to join the rest of the team for a end of season pizza party!  Brenin's already talking about Spring soccer! 

Also last Saturday, Brenin showed the quilt she made with her grandma in the quilt guild's quilt show!  She was so proud to see a blue ribbon hanging on her quilt and wanted to stand by it the rest of the day so she could "field questions" from passers-by.  :-) 

She had so much fun making this project with her grandma, and it was a good lesson in persistence and working towards something with a long-term outcome.  She's been snuggling with her quilt ever since! 

Brenin and Grandma with "Polka-dot Playground." 
Thank you, Mom, for taking the time (and patience) to invite my girl into your world of quilting and sharing your passion and talent with her. 

 Here's a quilt Mom made for their cabin up north.  The colors are off due to the lighting, but you get the drift. 

Another one of her pieces and one of our faves...beautiful sunflowers! 

All in all, a big day in the life of a 7 year old!  


Two Years!

October 13th marked our 2 year anniversary of being a family of FOUR!!! 

We slept restlessly through the night 2 years ago, knowing court was happening in Ethiopia as we lay in our beds, praying that this second court hearing would be the one to bring our sweet girl home. 

Very early that morning I checked my email for messages from the case worker, and guess what?!?!?  We passed!!!!!!!  Luca was officially a Buchanan! 

About 5 weeks later, a very frazzled and jet-lagged me held a very curious and overwhelmed her.  Two years later and I was then but a shadow of who I am today.  Beautiful (and hot!) refiner's fire. 

We celebrated Friday night at one of our favorite BBQ joints! 

Happy adoption day to my amazing and nothing short of miraculous family. 

They Don't Make Field Trips to the Farm Like They Used To!

We had the unique opportunity to visit an aquaponics farm with our
homeschool group last week.  If you haven't heard of aquaponics,
definitely take a minute to Google it!  It's quite a scientific and eco-savvy
way to farm and made for an interesting and thought-provoking field trip!
Yet another dynamic to the ever-changing face of agriculture! 

Each tank held about 500 tilapia and was closely regulated and monitored. 

The fish "waste" that collects in the tanks, while toxic to the fish, serves as food for the plants!  After the plants take their needed nutrients from the water, it's no longer toxic to the fish and can be regenerated!  They basically work hand in hand for each other's survival and conserve a whole lot of water in the process! 

The kids got to feed the tilapia too! 

 I'm coming to live in this greenhouse come January or February! 

Orchard Season

More fall pics!  (I'm almost done, I promise!) 

Toured 2 orchards / farmers markets and enjoyed the bounty
of the season...fresh caramel apples, hand-rolled butter (YUM),
apple cider, apple donuts, crisp apples (okay, so we ate
basically ourselves silly...it's harvest time!)  :-)

Let me just say that there is some kind of chemical
reaction that happens when you roll a crisp, fresh, caramel dipped
apple in Snickers...it really just shouldn't be legal. 

 Daddy and Luca Bazooka

This is how she rolls.

This cowgirl can sniff out a horse a mile away! 

Bouncy horse rides...Tucker looks like he's struggling in
this shot, but he rallied and won the race!   

 An annual shot...the first one taken with two little blonde
baby heads peeking out...the 2 in the middle were but a dream. 

Ticket for a train ride, Garret's favorite part.

Little train man.   

 Ummm, baby?  I think there's something right behind you!

 Apples!  Aren't they beautiful??


Last Camp 2010

I posted the foliage shots of our last camping trip of the
season here , but here are a few more shots from our
fun and final weekend up north.  Getting chilly up
there, but we cheated and brought electric blankets!  

Brenin hiking back to the lake with her fishing pole.

Kristin, Tucker & Luca


 Garret  Elmo

Luca droppin' a line in.

Everywhere you turn, something to do up north. 
Bren trying to "grass whistle." 

All packed up and not wanting to go. 

King and Queen of Camp.

 The fellas'.

The gals.

Dirty...smelly...exhausted...happy:  A successful camp!