
It's the Thursday afternoons...

the projects too big for one and all of us on the kitchen floor...

the concentration (and chubbiness of little fingers)...

the moments when I realize 'I'm theirs.'  And they like it...

the giggles... (oh, those giggles!)

the imagination so rich it gives shape to the body...

the cheeks squished together...

the wonder of winterscapes...

the Waylin' Jennys playing our soundtrack...

 the loving...

 and the being loved...

 that reminds me that God is near.

And Oh. So. Good. to lil' ole' me.

There is not one blade of grass, there is no color in this
world that is not intended to make us rejoice. 
-John Calvin-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cari, your girls are beautiful! I love seeing pictures of them together loving on each other! The picture with the squished cheeks in my favorite!