
Sunday Ski

It's been TOO LONG since this little blog has seen an update, partially because there's just too much going on to stop and update, and partially because there's just not much going on this time of year in Wisconsin! 

(Does that make any sense at all??) 

We've been busy with lots of snowy days, school projects, trips to the library, lessons, play-dates...enough to keep us on the run, but not really the makings of an interesting story if you know what I mean.  :-) 

Today we enjoyed warmer temps and *gasp* some SUNSHINE and blue skies!!!!  Now THAT is some blog-worthy news for a January day in Wisconsin!!!  I got to spend some time in the beautiful woods behind my parents' house with one of my favorite peeps...my dad.  :-)  

It was a fitting scene for a Sunday morning.  After all, it's the day most people find themselves an alter; one to drape in worship, to lay their broken bodies, bent and doubled under the heavy weight of burden, or simply to come wondering for the millionth time, "Why again...no HOW do you love me???" 

Something always brings us to alter. 

It's too good to deny, no matter how you look at it. 

There are so many ways and places and reasons and moments to bow because our faith and frames are too weak to stand alone or because the Majesty of all of Him is just too great to look dead in the eye. 

And so I've come to find that alter is simply where you find Him.

Where He is, there is church.

Here's where I find Him, amidst the twisted and gnarled branches,
rooted in something deeper than it can understand, grasping
with every undeserving limb towards heavens sun. 
It's really no wonder I find community in them.

Each one laid out like a love letter passionate and pointing to the only Love capable of filling.  I drape and lay and wonder and bow in the cathedral designed for worship under ceilings adorned by Master Artisan.

Stained glass promises of light and life.

My father goes before me and yes, He too goes before him,
and there we are all gnarled and twisted and rooted and grasping,
stretching and stepping deep into Father steps.

We are small...yet another creature in vast forest.

Imprisoned by our own makings.

And yet He lays out a carpet before us.  Leading.  Nudging.  To alter.
 He knows the heaviness.  And the burdens.  And the weak and stretching limbs.  And the beauty of this place.  Because he goes before us and prepares it for this very purpose.   

 And we stand in awe.

And we reach our undeserving limbs towards Heaven's Son. 

And there we find Him. 

In the beauty of alter. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Love your words and your pictures!