
Blog on Life Support

Been contemplating lately if blogging is fitting into my life right now.  I haven't had much time to post, and when I do, it's basically pictures because I don't have time to write.  I feel like I either need to commit and be better at it or let it go and release myself from its obligation.  I'd also like to commit some time to writing for publication (which is what my college degree is for...you know, the one in the stack of dusty frames in my pantry next to the toilet bowl cleaner and feather duster??  SO not kidding.)  Seems life is too full right now to be good at anything.  Sooo...putting some things on the chopping block, and this 'ol blog is up for review. 

In the meanwhile...

Maybe you'll love it too? 


Debbie said...

I think we all give you permission to blog whenever you have teh notion to. No guilt. No pressure. Just whenever the mood and time strikes you. It would be a shame to close up this fabulous blog.

MKH said...

hey girl!! uggh, I feel ya. I feel like my blog is slowly being abandoned!!! Life gets busier as these babies get older!! regardless of what you do, definitely get some of those words of yours into publication. you have a gift :) I will hope to see a post every now and then just so we can all catch up with your beautiful family!!!