
Holy neglected blog! 

Life has been a whirlwind around here...nothing too interesting (or photo worthy), just a whirlwind. 

I got to have lots of "mommy time" last weekend, scrapbooking with friends Friday night and with other friends Saturday night and Sunday!  I actually made a dent in the HUNDREDS of pictures that are stacked up waiting to be scrapbooked, so that felt great. 

I also had the HORROR privilege of speaking at a double baby shower Saturday for 2 amazing friends who are each adopting a baby boy from Ethiopia!  While speaking in public is NOT my favorite thing in the world to do (come to think of it, I can think of no less than 3 trillion things I would rather be doing, including poking myself in the eye with a fork!), I was honored to share a message which may make the lives of our 3 Ethiopian children a little easier along the way.  I spoke about some of the challenges adoptive families face upon arrival home and offered some ideas on how their "village" could be supportive of their unique situation in the months to come.  These gals and their hubbies will be meeting their sons for the very first time in just a few short weeks, and I could not be happier for them (or their sons because they are about to be richly blessed!)  If you think of it, please pray for them as they prepare to make this journey of a lifetime.

Finally, we met a new friend a couple of weeks ago who mentioned that he knows how to braid hair!  Well it didn't take long for me to hit him up for a free braiding session (!), something I've been wanting to try in her hair for a while but haven't gotten around to yet. 

Apparently the process is a bit painful for the braidee.

...and by "a bit painful," I mean "reeeeeeeeeeally painful."

Seriously folks...it felt a little like child abuse. 
(Of course these facial expressions didn't help my unrelenting guilt). 

"Oh Mama, what have you done now?"

Okay honey...now you're starting to scare mommy! 
More candy?  Baby girl?  Sweet little lump o' sugar?

Here's the end result BEFORE I had a chance to condition and style the back.  I just looked and I don't have an "after" styling/conditioning pic from the week, but trust me, it's adorable!  I'll try and post one in short order.  I love how it turned out, but not sure when I'll be able to talk her into getting it done again (okay, that's probably going to take some serious convincing...see above photos).  Anyways, they're lovely while they're here! 

Brenin came down with a cold yesterday and woke me up about 4:30 this morning with profuse coughing and throwing up.  :-(   We set up camp in the living room until morning, and now she's sleeping the day away.  Luca's being an absolute angel, playing so quietly all day with no sister to play with or excitement going on.  What a blessing to see Brenin getting some rest and Luca being so sweet! 


Kristin said...

AWWWW.....those are some sweet little sistas. Love those cuties

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you did an amazing job speaking! The braiding does look like it was a bit painful! I'm sure that she looks beyond precious now! I hope Brenin is on the mend.