
It Is Well

Wonderful camping adventures again this weekend...river rafting/tubing, biking, ATV'ing, campfires, local and San Diego family, good eating, reading and relaxing!  It's summer time, and the livin' is eeeeeeasy! 

Life is Good

This girl and her grandpa...I tell 'ya.

Brenin's "river guide" impersonation....where she got it from is anybody's guess.

My Uncle Don is from San Diego and used to come every year at Christmas to see the family.  In recent years, however, he's discovered that Wisconsin at Christmas time can be a little...well...cold.  And being acclimated to that So Cal sun, he decided an August visit would be a little more enjoyable and has been joining us in family camp for the past few years!

Queen of the Nile

Child Labor...Paddlin' Bren

Visions of Mark Twain danced us down the river...lovely! 

We ate lunch at Little Bohemia, a hideout for famous gangster John Dillinger.  Police tracked him here and riddled the place with bullets before Dillinger eluded them once again.  Johnny Depp also filmed "Public Enemies" here in which he portrays Dillinger. 

Everything was left as it was after the shoot-out for Little Bohemia visitors...
SO interesting to stand ON a scene of history like this. 

Dillinger's room at the resort.

The bathroom...how'd you like to be soaking in this tub with bullets flying?? 

Dillinger obviously left quickly and had to leave everything behind...here is his suit.


The balcony outside Dillinger's room where he escaped from...notice all the bullet holes here too!

Some more items left behind...notice the Ex-Lax
(even gangstas get a little backed up from time to time...hehe) 

Wook at his wittow cheeks!!!!!

The girls got to spend the day with Daddy, Uncle James, Uncle Don and Tucker on the four-wheeler trails.  Here's Bren after the fun day of sloshing through mud puddles...happy and unfathomably dirty.

And here's poor Luca after her four-wheeling adventures...lol 
(clothes removed due to excessive filth)
Needless to say, a good time was had by all! 

Bike trails are AMAZING and everywhere up North.  Here's a few shots from our ride. 

There were 5 shots taken in this pose, and every one of them had a different person either not looking at the camera, sitting in an unflattering position (ahem...), scowling or closing their eyes.  I did what any respectable mother and wife would do and chose the one that made me look the best (hehe)...so here we are nonetheless (sorry Bren, but you look cute no matter which direction you're looking). 

Lots to process on this trip, and I knew this would be the perfect place to do it...
clarity and "center" abound in those northern woods and with those northern folks I love so dearly.


1 comment:

MKH said...

what an absolutely beautiful place!! uggh-must have been awesome! great to live it through the pics! great pics!!!