
Dreaming the Same Dream

I was weeding out some of the books on our shelves this week when I came across this one.  I'd picked it up at a thrift shop a while back but never really took a close look at it.  I'm sure there was SOMEthing about it that caught my eye when I decided to purchase it...now if I could just put my finger on what it was. (wink) 

Together by George Ella Lyon
Pictures by Vera Rosenberry

You cut the timber and I'll build the house. 
You bring the cheese and I'll fetch the mouse. 
You salt the ice and I'll crank the cream. 
Let's put our heads together and dream the same dream. 

I'll drive the truck if you fight the fire. 
I'll plunk the keys if you'll be the choir. 
I'll find the ball if you'll call the team. 
Let's put our heads together and dream the same dream. 

You dig for water and I'll make a pail. 
I'll paint the boat if you'll set the sail. 
You catch the fish and I'll catch the stream! 
Let's put our heads together and dream the same dream. 

"Life imitates art"
- Oscar Wilde -

(let's hope so!) 


Debbie said...

Did the author know your children? Whoops, the word verification had to do with body sounds this time. I won't even go there.

Anonymous said...

No way!!! That is amazing! Love that you have it and that you have the 2 girls that you have!

MKH said...

that is a beautiful book....I think it's on my wish list! Love the halloween pics of your girls! soooo cute and the pics you did of brennin are amazing! also, your blog itself looks great! I love the new background!! also, the punk look.....hmmm....actually, you looked pretty cute!!!

MKH said...

ps forgot to tell you how much I love the big pic on the top of your blog-absolutely beautiful!