

The girls and I had a wonderful day along the banks of the Mississippi yesterday. We took a road trip with Kristin, James, Tucker & Garret to the aquarium / Mississippi Museum in DuBuque, Iowa. It was SUCH a beautiful day to hit the road, crack the windows and crank up some good music and reminded me what a beautiful part of the country we live in. After the museum, we found a great park to have a picnic in and then did a little shopping (where I found a double stroller!!)

All in all, it was a fabulous day!

The museum was very interactive (and so was this giant fish!), and the kids had a great time. It's so fun to watch Luca see these kinds of things for the first time. She could have spent the whole day at 1 tank and been pleased as punch.

Luca spends some time with Mark Twain.

Brenin found the world's greatest street sign along the way.


Anonymous said...

You are on a blog spree! Love all the posts! The picture of you with the girls is so sweet. Luca looks so much bigger! The trip sounds like it was a blast.

MKH said...

what a nice trip! love the pics. both girls are so adorable!