
Little Miss T-Ball

Luca started a weekly t-ball league on Thursday.  I have to say (and this is NOT just the mommy in me talking) that she was the cutest little button out there on that field.  She was one of only TWO girls on the league and was the only one with poofy sleeves and pink shorts and stood out like a little puff ball on the diamond.  (Not to mention she was blowing me kisses and megawatt smiles from the bases...pitter pat goes my heart!) 

They call me heartbreaker.

Taking a break in the dugout.

After a little instruction...

...CONTACT!  She was great at batting!

Not so great in the outfield though...I think someone forgot to tell her you're supposed to RUN for the ball.  At one point Brenin told her she's supposed to go after it, and she said "It's too rough," meaning all the boys were going after it and she really didn't see the point.  ;-) 

After the practice, the coach asked all the kids to run the bases and Luca wasn't interested.  I made her run them anyways (which ended in tears), but afterwards I realized that she's NEVER seen a game of baseball/t-ball!  We're not big sports fans, so it's never on TV and we don't ever play it, so I think she may have been a little confused about the whole idea.  It's funny the things I assume she knows because I forget she hasn't always been here.  Then I have these little lightbulb moments like, "Oh, you have no idea what I'm talking about, do you??"  :-)  Live and learn!  We're going to practice some of the things she did last week, and she's excited to go back! 

1 comment:

MKH said...

cuteness all over the place!